[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”SCC Frequently Asked Questions” font_container=”tag:h1|font_size:60|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff” use_theme_fonts=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1575304136619{background-color: #0a0a0a !important;}”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1581359776812{border-radius: 4px !important;}”]
- What is a Small Church Community (SCC)?
– A Small Church Community is a gathering of parish adults who read the upcoming Sunday Gospel and share their faith in the Good News with each other to prepare for the Eucharist on Sunday.
- How many people are in a typical SCC?
–Group sizes vary, from 5 up to 12 people.
- How many SCC’s are there at St. Christopher Parish right now?
–We currently have 15 SCC’s operating at this time. There is at least one group operating on every day of the week, except for Saturday.
- How often do SCC’s meet?
–It depends on the SCC, but most meet every other week. Some meet weekly or might increase to weekly during Lent or Advent.
- Do SCC’s meet all year long?
–Again, this depends on the SCC. Some meet all year, some take the summer off.
- Can I join an SCC and just come when it fits my schedule?
Preferably no. Attendance is a huge factor in building trust within the group, so the ideal situation is to make a commitment to come as often as the SCC
- Do I have to know the Bible really well to join an SCC?
–No. At each meeting and SCC will read and share with each other about the Gospel for the upcoming week. This is not a Bible study group. It is adults coming together to prepare themselves for the upcoming Sunday Mass and to share their day-to-day experience of Christ and the Gospel in their lives.
- I’m not big on “sharing”. Is an SCC still for me?
–We think so. An SCC group is committed to the privacy and confidentiality of all its members. Each SCC is has a Pastoral Facilitator (PF) who is sensitive to the dynamics of the SCC and help make sure everyone can share as much (or as little) as they are comfortable with. Many “shy” adults in SCC’s have found that this experience is a great way to begin to talk about their faith.
- What is the time commitment for an SCC?
–Meetings last around 90 minutes. The commitment really is to respect the sacrifice each member is making to be their and to make getting together a priority.
- Where do SCC’s meet?
–SCC’s have the option to meet at the Church in one of the classrooms, or to meet at members’ homes.
- Is an Small Church Community a support group?
–It’s not meant to be. Members will undoubtedly make lasting bonds with each other as the group grows in faith, but we are not meant to give each other advice. There is usually a chance at each meeting to pray for intentions of each member, which helps us carry our loads together.
- Do all the Small Church Communities ever get together as a big group?
–Yes. Once a year there is a potluck dinner where all the SCC’s get together for food and fellowship.
- Does it cost anything to join a Small Church Community?
–No, just a commitment of your time.
- How do I get into an Small Church Community, or just find out more about Small Church Communities?
–Call the parish office at (810)-364-4100 or complete the Small Church Community Information Form and a Lead Pastoral Facilitator will contact you.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]