Marysville Knights of Columbus Council #9526
Council #9526 membership meetings are held on the second Monday of each month. Meetings start at 7:00 pm. An open business meeting is held on the fourth Monday of each month and begins at 7:00 pm. Meetings are held in room 7 at St. Christopher’s. All Council members are welcome to attend these meetings.
Council Officers
Grand Knight Joe Vargo
Dep. G.K. Mark Privette
Chancellor Roger McCelland
Recorder Dave Tokarski
Treasurer Steve Ginther
Fin. Secretary Wayne Steinhaus
Lecturer Ron Baranowksi
Advocate Terry Carl
Warden Mike O’Brien
Inside Guard Ron Baranowski
Outside Guard Robert Hunt
1st Yr. Trustee Bruce Rinke
2nd Yr. Trustee Dave Huxhold
3rd Yr. Trustee Scott Heim
Chaplain Fr. James Arwady
Dist. Deputy David Kelley Jr
Insurance Agent Don M. Wesley
888-393-7539 Office
Knights of Columbus Insurance – Wesley Agency
2 Crocker Blvd.
Suite # 301
Mount Clemens, MI 48043
Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism

Knight's News
Viewing meetings online link
February’s Knight of the Month is Robert Hunt
February’s Family of the Month is Dave & Kim Huxhold
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Council meets on the Second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. In the St. Christopher’s social hall. Membership is open to women eighteen years or older. Any ladies interested in joining the Auxiliary can do so by contacting Linda King at 810-990-8025.
Lucky ‘500’ Club
Winners for February were Shelley Rumley, Joe Pavlov, Penny White, Ed Quain and Brian Steinhaus. February’s drawing was the final one for the 2024/2025 session. We will start selling tickets in March for the new drawings.
Corporate Communion with the Council and Ladies Auxiliary will be on Sunday, March 2nd at the 8:30 am. Mass at St. Christopher’s. All members and families are welcome to join together in the celebration of the Eucharist.
Remember to Keep in Your Prayers. Mel Konik, Ron Amend, Ken Barrand, Sandy Barrand, Karen Goodmen, Don Beauchemin, Nancy Hubbard, Mike Kapus, Jackie & Neil Hamann, Webb & Sue Coates, Ed Atkins, Greg D. White, the Rick Goodmen family, the Dave Thomas family, the Ed Buch family, the Ted Hubbard family, the James Gorcyca family, the Paul Levandowski family, Ted & Marilyn Taylor family, Ron Smarch family, Ted Pavlik family and the Mike Murphy family.
The Council and Auxiliary will be serving the coffee and donuts after the 8:30 am and 11:30 am Mass on Sunday, March 2nd.
All members and families are welcome to join together in the celebration of the Eucharist.
The council mourns the passing of fellow Knight Ted Pavlik who died on Saturday, February 1st. When he was able, Ted enjoyed helping out with the MI Tootsie Roll Drive, helping with Wednesday bingo, attending our council meetings and activities. Please keep Ted, his wife Gladys and their family in your prayers.
What is Lent?
During Lent, we are asked to devote ourselves to seeking the Lord in prayer and reading Scripture, to service by giving alms, and to sacrifice self-control through fasting.
Lent lasts for 40 days — excluding Sundays — from Ash Wednesday to the evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, which this year falls on April 17th. It is a reminder of Christ’s 40 days of temptation and fasting in the desert, and of Israel’s 40 years of wandering in the desert.
This penitential season of fasting, alms-giving, and special prayer is like a spiritual cleansing and renewal to draw closer to God.
The next Lunch Bunch will be at noon on Friday, March 21th at Bob Evan’s Restaurant. Everyone is welcome to join in the food and chit chat. Contact Linda Tokarski at 810-985-4670 for more information.
The Council and parish will be praying the Rosary on Sunday, March 30th after the 8:30am Mass.
Stay a little longer after Mass and join the parish in prayer.
Council Scholarships Offered
There are 2 scholarships being offered ($1000 each) to a senior boy and a senior girl this year. Applications are made available through Marysville H.S. or by contacting Will DeVeny (810-334-7648) or PGK Rich Clark (810-689-8251).
Meeting Motion
There was discussion on increasing the financial support for Emily Beaufait at Protect Life Michigan. A motion was made by Terry Carl and seconded by Robert Hunt to increase the budgeted amount from $1200 to $2400. Carried.
If you haven’t paid your membership dues yet, please send in your dues to our Financial Secretary Wayne Steinhaus so your membership does not lapse. Contact Wayne at 810-300-4891 to check on your status. Mail checks to P. O. Box 342, Marysville, MI 48040
Officer Nominations – Elections Ever been interested in holding a Council office? On the front of this newsletter there is a whole list of council officer’s, all of which are up for election each year (except two trustee positions, the Financial Secretary, Lecturer and Chaplin). If you are interested in one of the offices, please contact one of the trustees or Grand Knight Joe Vargo.