Parish History


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In November, the Most Rev. Michael Gallagher, Bishop of Detroit, established a Catholic church in Marysville. Fr. Leo J. Trese was named the first pastor. The name St. Christopher was chosen for the parish. At this time the parish had a membership of 60 families.  The first Mass was celebrated on November 22, 1936. The first Baptism took place on November 29, 1936.


In February of 1937, the Old Morton School building was purchased for $500 and at a cost of $1500 was moved by log rollers to the parish grounds on Michigan Avenue. Renovation of the building began. The eventual cost of this project was $6000. On February 9, the first marriage celebrated was between Ida Prevost and Robert McKenzie. Forty (40) children made up the First Holy Communion class. On June 27 the first Mass in the renovated building was celebrated February 28, 193

February 28 of this year saw the burial of Israel J. Prevost. This was the first funeral Mass performed at our church.


April, the property was purchased for a new rectory.

August 20 the Pastor moved into the new rectory.

April 30 Ninety-six children from St. Christopher’s were confirmed  by the Most Rev. Stephen S. Woznicki.

The upper level of the church building was converted into the Convent and School at the time the church was located in the basement of the building.

August 27 Three Sisters of St. Joseph came from their Motherhouse in Nazareth. They were here to prepare for the 80 students who started St. Christopher’s school on September 7.



Became Pastor on November 21. Fr. Raymond F. Buhl – 1941-1945

Fr. Raymond F. Buhl




Fr. Frederick E. George

Became Pastor in September 1945 until 1953

The 1950’s

St. Christopher’s celebrated its Silver Jubilee. The Parish now had a membership of 400 families.

“1962” A new addition was made to the convent to accommodate the Sisters of St. Joseph, who had come to teach at Port Huron Catholic High School.

“1971” After10 years of fine service in the Blue Water area, Port Huron Catholic High School closed its doors and the teaching Sisters left. A new four-car garage was built in November.

1972″]The original school was demolished to make room for a future church on this site.

“1979”]In May, Fr. Joseph P. Mc Elgunn celebrated 40 years as a priest with a Solemn High Mass and Open House.   This was also the occasion of his twentieth year as pastor of St. Christopher’s.”July 1, 2015 Fr. James F. Arwady, is named Pastor.”